Represents navigation type
Gets the current device information.
Singular rollup for convenience of all dialog methods
Gets a value indicating if the app is running on the Android platform.
Gets a value indicating if the app is running on the iOS platform.
Value specifying that Property should be set to its initial value.
Specifies the type name for the instances of this View class, that is used when matching CSS type selectors.
class Button extends View {
Internally the decorator set Button.prototype.cssType = "Button"
The type name, e. g. "Button", "Label", etc.
The action() method displays a action box that prompts the visitor to choose some action.
The text to display in the dialog box.
The text to display in the cancel button.
List of available actions.
The action() method displays a action box that prompts the visitor to choose some action.
The options for the dialog box.
The alert() method displays an alert box with a specified message.
Specifies the text to display in the alert box.
The alert() method displays an alert box with a specified message.
Specifies the options for the alert box.
The confirm() method displays a dialog box with a specified message.
Specifies the text to display in the confirm box.
The confirm() method displays a dialog box with a specified message.
Specifies the options for the confirm box.
Returns FileSystemAccess, a shared singleton utility class to provide methods to access and work with the file system. This is used under the hood of all the file system apis in @nativescript/core and provided as a lower level convenience if needed.
The login() method displays a login dialog box that prompts the visitor for user name and password.
The text to display in the dialog box.
The default text to display as a hint in the username input. Optional.
The default text to display as a hint in the password input. Optional.
The default text to display in the user name input box. Optional.
The default text to display in the password input box. Optional.
The login() method displays a login dialog box that prompts the visitor for user name and password.
The text to display in the dialog box.
The default text to display as a hint in the username input. Optional.
The default text to display as a hint in the password input. Optional.
The login() method displays a login dialog box that prompts the visitor for user name and password.
The options for the dialog box.
Parse a string into a CSSShadow Supports any valid css box/text shadow combination.
inspired by (MIT License)
The prompt() method displays a dialog box that prompts the visitor for input.
The text to display in the dialog box.
The default text to display in the input box. Optional.
The prompt() method displays a dialog box that prompts the visitor for input.
The options for the dialog box.
Helps sanitize a module name if it is prefixed with '/', '' or '/'
the name
whether to remove extension